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Although we often think of halitosis, also known as bad breath, as a common condition that is not serious, the truth is that it often arises due to bacteria that could indicate something more serious in your mouth. Furthermore, if bacteria are causing bad breath, it means your mouth is unclean and needs to be properly cared for.

Some varieties of bad breath are not easily treatable, due to underlying factors. Ailments deep in your body could be contributing to your bad breath, including liver problems, kidney malfunctions, and respiratory tract infections. Furthermore, oral health ailments such as gum disease or dry mouth may be causing your bad breath and need to be treated first in order to ensure bad breath does not continually return.

However, general forms of bad breath can easily be treated with basic treatments such as mouthwash. Usually, bad breath arises due to bacteria in your mouth. In addition, be sure to avoid unhealthy lifestyle choices such as smoking and tobacco, which can greatly increase your risk of bad breath. Also, it is important to eradicate plaque buildup or food debris from pooling in your mouth by eating better foods and avoiding sugars and other substances that can linger in your mouth.

With bad breath care and the skilled expertise of our team at Dental Esthetics of Buffalo Grove, we can make sure you receive the oral health care you need. Dr. Alex Osovsky and our team can be reached by calling us at 847-465-9676 to schedule an appointment to visit us at our dentist office in Buffalo Grove, Illinois.